Thursday, January 14, 2010

i got a feed back that i can get to improve on my imovie. I need to add quotes that make sense on the images that i have on there. Get more images that include higher grades and no west wings or detentions.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

where im at my movie is i already put the images. I made them all clear shot so that they would look real so. I still need the music and a lil bit more of images so that i can be done with my movie.I need quotes to well i already put them but i still wanna put more so that i can get credit on my movie and it would match the whole theme and the picture of number 16 no west wings or detention, and get good grades.

Monday, November 30, 2009

what i have accomplished today  is i have finished my hacking newsletter project. So thats i accomplished today and the rest i posted new the rubric and my newsletter. How i'm gonna complete my project by the end of this week is by reading thru the tech-connect. And find what the next project is gonna be due the way is it supposed to me made and when you finished it you will get a good grade. Because you went thru the process of the work that you need to do i will post the picture of the project what i have completed and i will post, how i summarized the rubric the way i used it.
 They way that i graded my self was that i checked everything that i had it right in the spot. So that i can get a good grade on my project that i made by looking at the rubric. And that the way how i graded my self.