Thursday, September 24, 2009

why is creating a goal important? the way that i think that creating a goal is important to me is because you get to know what you are gonna do. And you get to plan how your gonna do it to succeed on that goal that you are making. Making a goal is easy but accomplishing it its hard thats why you need to plan what you are gonna do with that goal. That the reason why creating a goal is important to you and other people to many people creat goals everyday.

Monday, September 21, 2009

the way i an improve my wmp is by if you have a computer like practice everyday. on the speed word in your house or download the application that you have to do and thats the way you can improve your speed wmp
well this quarter I'm gonna be a good student and I'm gonna study every day so that when we have quiz i will pass it this time.  and that rubric will help us on our grade on what we need to do on a project or to get a better score. i will sill set  goal for this year and it is that i will score more than 90 and i fall in the category of 3-4.  well i didn't actually did the project but this is what i'm will do on a project like that on the class project.